Amy and David and their Fairytale wedding day
Where do I even begin with this blog?!
I met Amy when I was 18 years old in college. We call ourselves soulmate friends because the universe was determined to make us meet. We were randomly selected to be roommates our freshman year. I remember calling Amy to discuss who was bringing the fridge and TV and we ended up bonding over Johnny Depp and Incubus. (woo!) Right before school started I got a call from Amy saying that she got into a different dorm (with air conditioning and her own bathroom, who could blame her!) and we wouldn't be roomies anymore. We still promised to meet up and hang out and I got a whole dorm room to myself! Fast forward into a few weeks into school and we hadn't met up yet. We were both theatre kids and must have kept missing each other at the events. (Mind you, this was just before myspace so there was no internet stalking to see what she looked like). We finally met at a mutual friends dorm and the rest is history! Fun fact: there is actually a photo of Amy and I sitting back to back at a theatre party before we met. TWILIGHT ZONE, MUCH!?
Amy and I were inseparable in college. I learned so much about her. I learned that she has the biggest heart, is super smart, and one of the most creative people I have ever met. She is who she is and embraces her uniqueness. I always strived to be a like that. She always inspired me!
Fun Fact #2: Amy and I were eventually roomies when I moved out to Toledo 7 years ago!
Amy and David have an adorable story too. (Ok, fine-- theirs wins.) ;)
David and I met 10 years ago during a production of a community theater play and then continued to re-meet through productions the next few summers. We never really took the opportunity to get to know each other beyond surface level at that time. Then, in 2012, David sent me a facebook message after having a dream in which I randomly appeared in asking if we could do lunch. We immediately hit it off. - Amy
When you are around David you just feel comfortable. He gives you this genuine smile and gives you his understanding eyes and makes you feel like you've always known him. He accepts Amy completely for who she is and gives her that look that all girls dream about getting.
He is the perfect match for my friend.
Amy and David are completely and truly soulmates. I have known Amy for a long time so I can honestly say that I have never seen Amy like this. She glows more than she ever has and happiness oozes out of her. It's the best thing ever.
Thank you for coming into my friends life, David.
Soulmate Friend (Ames),
I am so glad you found your true Soulmate. You deserve the world and it is very apparent that David is determined to give it you! I am retiring my soulmate friend title because it officially belongs to David now. I would say take care of her, David--but I know you will. :) :)
Amy and David went with a fairytale theme for their wedding. Every last detail was curated by them and it shows. From the paper flowers, fairytale book themed tables, to Amy's paper covered shoes-- this wedding was completely them.
Your day was so so great you two! Thank you again for letting me be a part of it!
<--- First Dance Song

Favorite memory of the wedding:
David was very emotional and stumbled through his vows because he was so happy that he couldn't stop his tears. It meant the world to have someone care for me that much to humble himself and show emotion in front of everyone who is important to him. Second- The satisfaction of hearing the cheers when we turned on the a successful light up wedding dress -Amy